2012 – 2014
07 November 2012
The Australian: NBN Co sets business pricing
18 September 2012
The Australian: NBN ‘lumpy’ pricing tiers could lead to large variations in costs
17 September 2012
Computerworld NZ: ComCom raises concerns over cost of UFB installations
01 August 2012
ITWire: Pacific Fibre fails to find funding, folds
30 June 2012
Telstra: Accelerating the pace of change
25 June 2012
ARN: ACCAN awards new projects with funding
14 June 2012
Phil Dobbie – Twisted Wire: No margin for profit
04 June 2012
ICTCareer: Study shows comparable costs between Tasman ISPs
04 June 2012
Computerworld: ISPs – Australia and New Zealand compared
01 June 2012
The Dominion Post: Aussie ISPs more generous with data
01 June 2012
Telecom Paper: Australian ISPs spend more on network costs than NZ ISPs
01 June 2012
ITWire: Lack of competition cramping NZ broadband
01 June 2012 Weak competition caps data
31 May 2012 Australian ISPs spend more on network costs than NZ ISPs
11 May 2012
DSL Prime: Australia’s Turnbull wants fiber/DSL to reduce national broadband cost
11 May 2012
Fast Net News: Australia’s Turnbull wants fiber/DSL to reduce national broadband cost
08 May 2012
Sydney Morning Herald:Telstra still deciding fate of copper post NBN rollout
30 April 2012
NZ Commerce Commission: 2011 Annual Telecommunications Monitoring Report
12 April 2012
ZDNet: 5 ways for telcos to lift their game