2006 – 2007
21 December 2007
Computerworld: ACMA report identifies size of VoIP market in Australia
20 December 2007
ACMA: The Australian VoIP Market 2007
14 December 2007
The Australian: Optus speeds mobile rollout
11 December 2007
The Australian: A country coming of age with 3G
06 December 2007
ZDNet: Look beyond Telstra to avoid broadband price-hike
27 November 2007
The Australian: Mixed messages flow from future
29 October 2007
The Dominion Post: NZ set to stagnate in broadband rankings
20 October 2007
ACCC launches public consultation on Telstra SAO exemption
02 October 2007
Computer Reseller News Cover Story: Wireless Broadband
18 September 2007
The Australian: VoIP goes mainstream
14 August 2007
The Australian: Restructuring chaos catapults ISP
13 August 2007
Australia debuts in worldwide Metro Ethernet Forum
08 August 2007
itwire: Newspoll Survey Finds 21 percent of Consumers Have Switched Broadband Provider
24 July 2007
ZDNet: Optus uploads – A revolution in the making?
20 July 2007
Communications Alliance: The ACOMMS 2007 Winners
17 July 2007
The Australian: Hutchison mobile data price cut
17 July 2007
The Australian: Upload surge increases net costs
13 July 2007
SBS News: ACCC has Google in its sight
13 July 2007 Watchdog takes Google to court
12 July 2007
Free Republic: Google faces landmark lawsuit over sponsored links
12 July 2007
SMH: Australian regulator takes Google to court over sponsored links
12 July 2007
The Times of India: Oz regulator takes Google to court
29 June 2007
ABC 7.30 Report: Questions raised over wireless broadband capabilities
27 June 2007
ACMA: Communications Infrastructure and Services Availability in Australia 2006-07
27 June 2007
ACMA: Key Statistics for the Australian Communications Industry
19 June 2007
Smart Company: What price fast broadband?
17 June 2007
itwire: VoIP – many different things to different people
17 June 2007
itwire: Developing standards for better VoIP services
12 June 2007
ABC Radio National: Australian broadband may drag down standard of living (Podcast and Transcript)
05 June 2007 Minnow plans big wireless net service
05 June 2007
The Australian: Optus gets into VoIP
04 June 2007
DSL Prime: Shara Evans — Numbers Need More Precision
23 May 2007
itwire: Market Clarity hits back at OECD in broadband stats battle
18 May 2007
The Australian: Telstra appeal rejected
18 May 2007
The Australian: Coonan challenges OECD broadband stats
16 May 2007
Prime Minister of Australia – Interview
15 May 2007
Nyqyuist Capital: OECD Broadband Stats ‘Clarified’
15 May 2007
The Australian: Broadband ratings lifted
15 May 2007
itwire: OECD’s shoddy broadband stats exposed
01 May 2007
The Australian: Net plan to cut mobile costs
26 April 2007
The Sydney Morning Herald: Roaming free
24 April 2007
itwire: Australian broadband growth rates falling back
19 April 2007
The Australian: It’s time to come clean
19 April 2007
itwire: ACCC to cease reporting broadband numbers
18 April 2007
Voice & Data: Questions for Labor’s broadband costings
17 April 2007
The Australian: Labor broadband blowout
04 April 2007
Telecom TV: Researcher debunks global broadband rankings
04 April 2007
VoIP News: Infrastructure List Gets Mapping Capability
04 April 2007
ComputerWorld: Australia’s telecom infrastructure report released
04 April 2007
The Australian: 3G price freefall
03 April 2007
Sen Helen Coonan: Comms Day Summit 2007 Speech
30 March 2007
ComputerWorld: X-Series marks the spot for flat-rate mobile data
29 March 2007
ABC Radio National, Australia Talks show: Broadband or Fraudband? (Podcast)
28 March 2007
The Australian: Hutchison triggers 3G price war
28 March 2007
The Sydney Morning Herald: We’re paying $1bn too much for our mobiles
27 March 2007
Itwire: Labor’s broadband plan – will 12Mbps be enough in 2012?
27 March 2007
The Australian: Rudd shoots too low
26 March 2007
The Sydney Morning Herald: Roam if you want to
24 March 2007
The Sydney Morning Herald: Why stop a few metres short?
08 March 2007
The Australian: Skype downloads top 500m
28 February 2007
The Age: Engin launches capped VoIP plans
13 February 2007
The Australian: VoIP providers slow to sign with watchdog
13 February 2007
ComputerWorld: Unified comms the next tech nirvana
13 February 2007
ComputerWorld: VoIP users dig a grave for providers
12 February 2007
itwire: Skype: biggest is not always best
12 February 2007
itwire: VoIP will be big, but revenues won’t
12 February 2007
The Australian: VoIP minnows need to turn a dollar
06 February 2007
The Australian: Half-mill sign up to Next G
26 January 2007
MIS: 3G steps up
19 January 2007
The Australian: Skype plans local push
12 December 2006
The Australian: Telstra steals 3G show from rivals
12 December 2006
The Australian: Working on the fly
05 December 2006
The Age: Hung up on VoIP
29 November 2006
itWire: VoIP numbers game heats up
28 November 2006
The Australian: Fast net for bush too hard
28 November 2006
The Australian: Making the switch to VoIP
27 November 2006
Zycko: Residential VoIP important for technology’s future
22 November 2006
iTnews: Broadband slow down makes for tough sell
22 November 2006
Smarthouse: Broadband Market Worth $2 Billion A Year
22 November 2006
Central IT: Stake sale ends Australia government control of telco
22 November 2006
Telecom Web: Broadband Revenue Slowdown Predicted Down Under (Questionable link)
21 November 2006
Itwire: How many VoIP providers are there really
21 November 2006
The Australian: Broadband performance not so bad
21 November 2006
The Australian: Big 3G stoush expected next year
21 November 2006
Itwire: Broadband market now worth $2 billion but $$ growth slowing
21 November 2006
m-net: Aussie broadband generates $2b in 2006: report
20 November 2006
Itwire: Bit players giving VoIP a bad name says Engin
14 November 2006
The Australian: Rivals scorn Telstra pricing
08 November 2006
Equinix: Equinix To Host Annual Gigabit Peering Forum in Sydney Featuring Content and VoIP Peering Experts
06 November 2006
Voice & Data: False promises damage VoIP reputation
01 November 2006
Daily Research News: Telecoms Structure Databased Down Under
31 October 2006
VoIP News: Australia’s Telecoms Infrastructure Catalogued
30 October 2006
Itwire: Australia’s telecoms infrastructure databased
06 October 2006
The Australian: Optus to spoil Telstra launch with 3G promo
21 September 2006
Voice & Data: Is satellite still competitive?
18 September 2006
Shara Evans talks about the Aussie VoIP List on Tektime Radio on 97.1 3MDR Melbourne
13 September 2006
m-net NZ: Aussies take to regional wireless broadband
13 September 2006
BuyNetPlus: Is satellite still competitive?
12 September 2006
CIO: Satellite broadband still nascent despite subsidy
12 September 2006
iTnews: MVNOs give mobile services low priority
12 September 2006
Tech Day: Wireless broadband on move as satellite languishes
11 September 2006
Mobilised: Wireless broadband Recovers In Bush
29 August 2006
The Australian: Tune in, dial up, drop out
21 August 2006
CRN: Making residential VoIP a viable proposition
09 August 2006
Australian Reseller News: Market Clarity lists VoIP providers
08 August 2006
VoIP News: 18 More Added To VoIP List
06 August 2006
Voice & Data: New VoIP list reflects growing number of providers
01 August 2006
PC World: Research firm hosts VoIP directory
31 July 2006
VoIP News: Market Clarity Lists All 180 VoIP Players
31 July 2006
VoIP Weblog: Largest Online Australian VoIP Directory from Market Clarity
25 July 2006
VoIP News: Shareholders Approve Extra Engin Funds
21 July 2006
VoIP News: Only 60% VoIP Providers In TIO Scheme
06 July 2006
VoIP News: ISPs Rival Pure Play VoIP Providers
16 May 2006
The Australian: VoIP picking up pace
30 April 2006
Asterisk VoIP News: BroadIP boasts big surge of eager VoIP resellers
18 April 2006
The Age: Small businesses move to VoIP
28 March 2006
Australian Reseller News: iVox and PBA offer mobile VoIP
24 March 2006
Cellular News: End of the Australian Boom for Mobiles?
22 March 2006
itwire: The stormy voyage of the Irish Rover
22 March 2006
CRN: VoIP services to reach six million users
16 March 2006
itwire: Gloomy outlook on mobiles
02 March 2006
Telecommunications Industry News: Australian Wireless Internet Providers Meet Challenges
01 March 2006
ZDNet: ISPs drop wireless broadband options
28 February 2006
PC World: Aussies ditch fixed lines in favour of VoIP and mobile
21 February 2006
ZDNet: AAPT only half-priority for new chiefs