2010 – 2011

13 December 2011
Sen Stephen Conroy: National Press Club Address
05 December 2011
Voice and Data: Carrier ethernet becomes a de facto standard for the cloud
21 November 2011
GNT: Datacentre Transformation “Changes Economies and Business Models”
16 November 2011
Wall St Journal Market Watch: From Bad Boy Hacker to Founder and CTO of Silicon Valley “hot start-up” Palo Alto Networks – Nir Zuk Launches NetEvents 2011 APAC Summit
07 November 2011
Computerworld: NBN Co’s fixed CVC pricing comes under criticism, again
23 September 2011
Anything Goes: NBN Pricing
20 September 2011
Telecom Paper: Broadband value better in Australia than New Zealand – study
20 September 2011
Business Day: Broadband value still over ditch
20 September 2011
The Dominion Post: Aussies get better broadband value than Kiwis
20 September 2011
Yahoo! New Zealand Business: Broadband deals still better over the ditch
19 September 2011
Rural Connect: Look over the Ditch for the broadband way ahead
19 September 2011
Idealog: Pesky trans-Tasman broadband gap persists
16 September 2011
Computerworld NZ: NZ telco market catching up to Australia: report
14 September 2011
Computerworld: Competition driving down NZ broadband prices
14 September 2011
iTWire: Kiwi ISPs bridging broadband gap with Australia
14 September 2011
Geekzone: Are Kiwi ISPs catching up with Australia?
15 June 2011
Computerworld: Southern Cross Cable director answers the critics
15 June 2011
Geekzone: Southern Cross committed to Ultra Fast Broadband and National Broadband Network
25 May 2011
Smart Company: Report claims expensive wireless networks mean wired better alternative for NBN
24 May 2011
Business Video News: Price gap denies wireless win over wired
24 May 2011
Computerworld: Cost of mobile broadband up to 1333 times fixed services
23 May 2011
CRN: Huge mobile broadband charges boost NBN case
23 May 2011
Gizmodo: Mobile Broadband Can Cost Up To 1,333 Times Fixed Line Broadband
23 May 2011
iTWire: How to pay $1m per gigabyte for mobile data…
23 May 2011
ARN: Analyst-Mobile broadband up to 1333 times more expensive than fixed-line broadband
18 May 2011
The Drum, ABC News 24: John Barron hosts a discussion panel show about the NBN
19 April 2011
ZDNet: NBN won’t kill 1TB plans – NBN Co
11 April 2011
News Blaze: TATA detects sweet spot in Cloud services to SMEs at NetEvents APAC Summit
10 April 2011
Video: NetEvents Summit – Unified Communications, The Marriage of Next Generation Devices and Appliances
17 March 2011
The Register: Download data versus piracy claims: the figures don’t add up
10 March 2011
ZDNet: Twisted Wire – The need for more air
23 February 2011
ZDNet: Vodafone upgrade keeps it in LTE race
22 February 2011
Communications Alliance calls for a National Digital Economy Roadmap
22 February 2011
Delimiter: VHA network investment FTW, say analysts
15 February 2011
The Australian: Service providers wring more speed out of copper networks
28 January 2011
Gizmodo: What Happened With The NBN This Week?
25 January 2011
Computerworld: Download shortages no argument against NBN
16 January 2011
iTWire: Broadband users have more gigabytes than they know what to do with
13 January 2011
Broadband Expert: Australians only use small percentage of monthly broadband quota
12 January 2011
Lifehacker: How Often Do You Exceed Your Monthly Broadband Quota?
12 January 2011
ARN: Gap between broadband data allowance and data usage widens
12 January 2011
PC and Tech Authority: What will we do with all that download quota when the NBN rolls down our street?
11 January 2011
Delimiter: Australians using just 15 percent of broadband quota
11 January 2011
ZDNet: Aussies only use 15% of broadband quota
11 January 2011
iTWire: Australians using just 15 percent of broadband quota
26 November 2010
ARN: Telco NBN bill passes Senate – what now
02 November 2010
ARN: How reasonable is Turnbull’s NBN Transparency Bill?
26 October 2010
The Australian: NBN could compete with backhaul providers
24 August 2010
The Australian: NBN gets mixed reviews in vital seats
24 August 2010
The Australian: NBN important to regions ‘but you can’t eat it’
19 August 2010
ARN: 1TB plans: That’s huge, but who’s going to use it?
29 July 2010
ARN: ISPs doubt impact of new Australia-US fibre link
20 July 2010
Computerworld: What the ICT industry wants: Telecommunication analysts
12 July 2010
Computerworld: Analysts back upgrade to APCN2
05 July 2010
Computerworld: Telstra fibre not enough: NBN Co
23 June 2010
Computerworld: Telstra-NBN Co deal opens up 6m kms of fibre
26 March 2010
Tech Target ANZ: The world of contestable backhaul
25 March 2010
Computerworld: NBN implementation study won’t be anything new – Analysts
15 January 2010
ZDNet: Exetel on ACMA: No demand for 100Mbps
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