Email Scams and Cyber Security

Email Scams are the topic of today’s special combined #FutureTalk and #CyberChat episode with Liz Buchanan, as we are joined by Cyber Security Expert Jesse de Haan of Layer 8 Security.

In this episode, I describe a recent suspicious email that I received which was purportedly from the ATO, and the numerous actions that I took to verify the authenticity of the email (in this case a scam) with hyperlinks. This is a story you’ll want to listen to as there are some unexpected twists and turns.

How often do you click on email links without really looking at them – potentially exposing yourself to scammers or malware?

In today’s Digital Age, we need to be super aware of what we click on when we’re online in order to protect ourselves!

I hope you enjoy this episode of my “Future Talk” video series with Digital Communications expert Liz Buchanan, where we discuss life during and after Coronavirus (COVID-19).

While you’re here, please drop us a line if you have topic you’d like us to discuss. And, please add your comments about any email scams that have landed in your inbox. I’d love for this video to form a community discussion to provide early warning alerts for those who are less cyber aware.

And, if you would like to find out more about my Speaking, Virtual Futurist or Consulting services, contact me via my website and I’ll do a free 20 minute exploratory call with you!

—- Author update

Since recording this video in November 2020, the ATO started to send out quarterly notifications about BAS lodgements in May 2021, but the email address that it comes from is different than the #scam address we show in this video.

About the author: Shara Evans is recognized as one of the world’s top female futurists. She’s a media commentator, strategy adviser, keynote speaker and thought leader, as well as the Founder and CEO of Market Clarity.


Get in touch now to check Shara’s availability to speak at your next event. Shara works closely with her clients to ensure all her presentations are tailored to your event – ensuring maximum impact for your business.